Goodbyes....and a week in Washington

Well, I finally got to DC after spending the previous week packing, moving, seeing family and friends, and celebrating my 35th birthday in New York. I can't begin to say thank you enough to everyone who helped me move, or who took the time to wish me well in Louisville, Chicago, and New York. All of you are truly the best friends and family a person could ask for, and I'm glad we had the time to get together. I'll be thinking about you a lot in the coming year, so please stay in touch!
I'm here in DC to do a week of training and orientation with other consultant members who are going to engagements in various countries - 1 going with me to Romania, 4 to Bulgaria, 2 to Angola, 1 to Kazakhstan, and 1 to Azerbaijan. Its been good preparation with a lot of talks given by people who have done these kind of assignments before. One of the most fun events of the week was dinner at a local Moraccan restaurant. For those of you who don't know - Moraccan style dining involves eating virtually everything with your hands! See pic....